This column features great insights, advice and tips from veterans in real estate industry. They will be sharing with us their experiences from “buy it, rent it, profit to overcome the obstacles you will face in real estate investment. So do look out for these articles.”
Criteria for Bedrooms in Rental Properties | Part 2
A rental property will always rent for a higher price if it has more bedrooms. Naturally, landlords want to maximize the number of useful bedrooms in their rental properties so that they can maximize their rent. In some cases, this means turning a studio apartment...
Options for dealing with less qualified rental applicants
Every landlord is looking for the perfect tenant. We want someone who has an excellent credit score, a great rental history, and plenty of income to cover the rent. However, the perfect tenant doesn’t always appear in your pool of applicants. If none of the applicants...
Stuff Tenants Say | Part 2
In part 1 of this series, we discussed some of the crazy things that tenants say to their landlords. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning. Read on in part 2 to hear more of the crazy stuff tenants say. I need to be able to get out of the lease whenever I want in...
Tax Deductions for Landlords | Part 2 | Part 3
In part one of this series on tax deductions for landlords, we discussed the difference between capital and current expenses and how those types of expenses can be deducted from your taxes. It is important to also keep in mind that you must be able to prove every...
The Eviction Process Don’t Evict without Court Order
You and your tenant signed a lease agreeing that you would provide a habitable dwelling and, in return, the tenant would pay the rent on time each month. Most renters are reliable about paying their rent as agreed, but sometimes that isn’t the case. There are tenants...
Daily Property Management Stressors
Many new landlords don't expect to have to interact very much with their tenants on a day-to-day basis. However, they are often surprised to learn how much daily stress is involved in managing a property. It's not quite as simple as signing the papers and waiting for...
Guide to a Landlord Insurance Policy
You save up your pennies, buy a home, and live in it for a few years. After some time has gone by, you decide to purchase a bigger home. Rather than selling the home that you have been living in, you choose to rent it out to a tenant after you move into your new...
Guide to Credit Checks for Landlords
As a landlord, it is essential that you run credit checks on applicants before you allow the applicant to sign a lease and move into your property. This person will be paying your income for the next year, so you need to know whether they have a trustworthy credit...
Dealing with Your Long Term Guests
Every landlord who rents out a property to a tenant should require every adult living in the rental property to be listed on the lease agreement. Each of the adults listed on the lease agreement should also sign that contract. This is a basic requirement of a lease,...