Periodic Inspections Are Important To Maintain The Quality Of Your Property.
It is important from a risk management standpoint to make sure that any factors that might effect the health and safety of your tenants are controlled as much as possible. We check for a number of items on our special inspections.
- Are smoke detectors installed and working?
- Are there any broken or cracked windows?
- If the property has a pool, are all pool laws being followed?
- Are all fences, doors, and other barriers properly installed and working?
- Is the hot water heater regulated properly to prevent scalding a child?
- Are there any trip hazards that need to be taken care of?
- Are Ground Fault Interrupter outlets installed and working properly to prevent electrocution?
- Are there any molds present under sinks or in moist areas that need to be eliminated?
It is important to know about the condition of your property.
Things do wear out and it is important to address them in a timely manner so they do not cost you more in additional maintenance. Being aware of the overall condition of your property is an important aspect of property management. If you would like a thorough inspection of your property, we will be glad to coordinate with a professional inspection company, or we will inspect it for you. Since there is some time and expense involved in these kind of inspections, a fee must be charged.