How is the tenant treating the property?

A periodic inspection of the property is an easy way to know for sure that your tenants and giving proper care to the home they live in. Any damage to the property is easily discovered and will alert the property manager to watch for future problems.
Heating and cooling issues

Having the air conditioning and heating units checked on a regular basis can save you money and headaches. As we enter into the hot summer season it might be a good time to contact your property manager and ask for an inspection of the units. Having an air conditioning unit break down when temperatures are over 100 degrees creates a safety issue for tenants, especially if they have young children.
Safety issues

It is important from a risk management standpoint to make sure that any factors that might affect the health and safety of your tenants are controlled as much as possible. The McMath Realty website has some suggestions of items that should be looked at (see property inspection page).
Overall property condition

Things do wear out and it is important to address them in a timely manner so they do not cost you more in additional maintenance. Being aware of the overall condition of your property is an important aspect of property management. The inspection that McMath Realty provides is not as thorough as that of a professional inspection company. If you would like a more thorough inspection of your property, we will be glad to coordinate with a professional inspection company.

If you would like more information on rental property management visit Phoenix rental management page.

Weldon McMath – McMath Realty Property Management

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