This column features great insights, advice and tips from veterans in real estate industry. They will be sharing with us their experiences from “buy it, rent it, profit to overcome the obstacles you will face in real estate investment. So do look out for these articles.”
Basics of Fair Housing Laws
As a landlord, one of the most important business decisions that you make will be choosing a tenant. This person will live in your property, and has the power to treat your home well or to damage it and end up costing you a lot of money. A tenant that fails to pay the...
Legal Tips for Landlords
You buy a home, fix it up, and rent it out to someone else. That person pays rent that covers the mortgage while you build equity. Being a landlord seems pretty simple, right? Well, there are a few more details to consider. If you are new to being a landlord, there...
Insights for Effective Rental Management
INSIGHT ONE: INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE Investing In Real Estate The insights for the next several issues will be largely from Larry Garrett's book titled "Advanced Concepts of Common Sense Investing in Real Estate" His book may be purchased through McMath Realty. My...
The Importance of Background Checks in Finding Good Tenants
Tenant Background Checks The most basic need a rental owner and McMath Realty has for rental properties, is a good tenant. Remember, a good tenant has three obligations: pay their rent on time, take care of the property, and remain crime free in the property. When a...
Avoiding Late Night Emergency Calls
Review Basic Emergency Maintenance Steps with New Residents By Whitney of Rentals.com One of the downsides of owning and managing rental properties is the late night emergency calls. Reviewing emergency procedures prior to occupancy might just prevent a late night...
Things That Should Be Inspected Periodically
THE IMPORTANCE OF PERIODIC INSPECTIONS How is the tenant treating the property? A periodic inspection of the property is an easy way to know for sure that your tenants and giving proper care to the home they live in. Any damage to the property is easily discovered and...
How to Price Your Rental Property
All rental property owners want to get the most positive cash flow possible for their rental home. Here are some things that must be considered. Rental Property Management in Phoenix Rental Price Considerations Rental Price Considerations Here are some things to...
The Cost of Vacancy
While increased ROI on rental properties is far from the only reason to hire a professional property manager, many property investors want to see clear economic benefits before taking the plunge and outsourcing this key responsibility. Based on All Property...
Home Warranties
We often get questions about whether or not one should have a home warranty policy to cover maintenance issues on their property. Here are some questions to ask yourself: How many repairs will be covered by a home warranty? Typically only mechanical failure is covered...